About the Giftshop at CBT
The Giftshop at Congregation B'nai Tikvah has been _________ for over 30 years.
B'nai Tikvah's Gift Shop started when the synagogue was formed with a handful of items which Irene Korn sold out of the trunk of her car. Eventually, space was created in the building but with the remodel / expansion of our home in 2005, a real store was established in our lobby.
The Gift Shop has an excellent selection of Judaica for any occasion, including an amazing collection of Tallitot in a variety of fabrics. You can also select beautiful bags and kippot, kiddush cups, mezuzot, yads, candles and candlesticks, challah boards, tzedakah boxes, spice boxes and Havdalah sets, jewelry and more.
For Chanukah and Passover, a large variety of holiday items are available.
Hours of operation:
Sundays 9:00 a.m. to Noon during the school year and other times by appointment.